Spotlight 166 is hosted by Stuart Todd
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- John Witherspoon – Mr Lowdown
- Rosenblume – In The Long Run
- Helen Maw – Playing With Fire
- Mike Ryan – I’m With You
- David Nixon’s Navigation – Sandcastles & Satellites featuring Marc Vormawah
- Visions Of Albion – You’re Not Alone
- Thom Morecroft – The Beast
John Witherspoon – Mr Lowdown
- Bandcamp: johnwitherspoon.bandcamp.com
- Review: liverpoolacoustic.co.uk/2020/11/album-review-john-witherspoon-showin-up-startin-again
- Facebook: facebook.com/johnwitherspoonmusic
Rosenblume – In The Long Run
- Bandcamp: rosenblume.bandcamp.com
- Review: liverpoolacoustic.co.uk/2021/02/single-review-rosenblume-in-the-long-run
- Facebook: facebook.com/RosenblumeMusic
Helen Maw – Playing With Fire
- Bandcamp: helenmawmusic.bandcamp.com
- Review: liverpoolacoustic.co.uk/2020/09/single-review-helen-maw-playing-with-fire
- Website: helenmawmusic.com
Mike Ryan – I’m With You
- Bandcamp: mike-ryan.bandcamp.com
- Review: liverpoolacoustic.co.uk/2021/02/album-review-mike-ryan-night
- Released on Meadow Records
David Nixon’s Navigation – Sandcastles & Satellites featuring Marc Vormawah
- Bandcamp: davidnixon.bandcamp.com
- Review: liverpoolacoustic.co.uk/2021/02/single-review-david-nixons-navigation-featuring-marc-vormawah-sandcastles-and-satellites
- Website: davidnixonsnavigation.com
Visions of Albion – You’re Not Alone
- Bandcamp: visionsofalbion.bandcamp.com
- Review: liverpoolacoustic.co.uk/2020/12/single-review-visions-of-albion-youre-not-alone
- Facebook: facebook.com/VisionsofAlbion
Thom Morecroft – The Beast
- Bandcamp: thommorecroftbc.bandcamp.com
- Review: liverpoolacoustic.co.uk/2021/02/single-review-the-beast-thom-morecroft
- Website: thommorecroft.com
- Released on: 9x9Records
If you’re an acoustic musician from the Greater Merseyside area, or from further afield but play on the Liverpool scene, and would like your music to be considered for the show then get in touch. We can’t promise we’ll be able to play everything that’s sent to us, but we will listen to every track. Find out all about the show, how to submit your music, and the Terms of Use, at liverpoolacoustic.co.uk/spotlight
If you get the chance, please support your local artists by joining their mailing lists, liking their facebook pages, following them on twitter, leaving them comments, going to their gigs, and buying their music direct from them where possible. The Liverpool Acoustic Spotlight is produced and presented by Graham Holland and Stuart Todd for Liverpool Acoustic.
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