Welcome to the Liverpool Acoustic Spotlight 2011 Christmas Special. We put out a call on our facebook page for any local acoustic musicians who have Christmas songs that we can play. We expected a couple – instead we got a sleigh full! Many thanks to everyone who submitted a song. Yes, we know they’re not all acoustic, and they’re not all from local artists, but they all fit into the Christmas theme in one way or another.
As we say on every show (read the blurb right at the bottom) now is as good a time as any to show your support for our local artists by sending them messages on facebook, ‘liking’ their page, going to their live gigs, and buy music direct from them where possible. If you like a song that you’ve heard on this show, let the artist know. It’ll make their day, and maybe even brighten up their Christmas!

Alex Hulme – I Won’t Be Home This Christmas
Download this song for free from Cityscape Records
Rob Rivieres – I Just Want Christmas Back
Visit Rob’s website to download Before The Dawn EP for free
The Southbound Attic Band – A Red Rose
Barry Jones (vocals & guitar), Ronnie Clark (bass)
The 10p Mixes – Christmas Number One
Danni (keyboard & vocals) and Will (guitar)
Download the Christmas Number One EP for free here
The Good Intentions – Silent Night
This song was written by Jon Byrd from Nashville, and performed with permission.
Tom Menarry, ft Amelia Rose – Is This Christmas?
(Former) Lipa student. Tom (vocals and piano), additional vocals Amelia, Produced by Fraser Car-Gomm.
We no longer have a contact for Tom so if anyone can help with a new link it would be appreciated.
Faraday (Martin Minshall) – It’s Christmas Everywhere
Graeme Heerden – Christmas in the Morning
(former) Lipa student
Music by Graeme, Words by Graeme, and Bobbie Jones
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