a hard days night and beatles for sale album covers

On Wednesday 4th December 2024 Roxanne de Bastion, Thom Morecroft and house band The Ragamuffins return to LEAF on Bold St to celebrate 60 years of A Hard Day’s Night and Beatles For Sale. As with their previous shows you won’t get carbon copies of Beatles songs. Instead you’ll experience new and exciting re-interpretations, re-imaginings, and creative homages to theContinue Reading

abbey road silhouette

Come together to celebrate 50 years of The Beatles’ Abbey Road at Leaf on 26th September In 2016 a group of local, national and international musicians fronted by Roxanne de Bastion and Thom Morecroft gathered together at Leaf on Bold Street to recreate the groundbreaking Beatles album Revolver, 50 yearsContinue Reading

white album Facebook event cover

Celebrate 50 years of The Beatles’ White Album at Leaf on 22nd November In 2016 a group of local, national and international musicians fronted by Roxanne de Bastion and Thom Morecroft gathered together at Leaf on Bold Street to recreate the groundbreaking Beatles album Revolver, 50 years to the day since its release. InContinue Reading

white album Facebook event cover

Celebrate 50 years of The Beatles’ White Album at Leaf on 22nd November In 2016 a group of local, national and international musicians fronted by Roxanne de Bastion and Thom Morecroft gathered together at Leaf on Bold Street to recreate the groundbreaking Beatles album Revolver, 50 years to the day since its release. InContinue Reading

Liverpool Acoustic and Acoustic Dustbowl Christmas party this Friday For our final gig of the year Liverpool Acoustic are once again gatecrashing the Acoustic Dustbowl Christmas Party for a joint night of merriment and fun. It all takes place on the evening of Friday 11th December 2015 at the home of both events Mathew Street’s ViewContinue Reading