Liverpool Acoustic Live’s 10th anniversary show welcomes back popular bluesman Raphael Callaghan. Support is from local duo Geoghegan Jackson launching their new EP, plus opening sets from the two winners of the Liverpool Acoustic Songwriting Challenge 2018 – Rachael Jean Harris and Alison Benson. And with it being our 10thContinue Reading

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Liverpool Acoustic Afternoon @ 81 Renshaw 03/11/18 Due to popular demand (i.e. some people asked us!) the Liverpool Acoustic Afternoon now takes place on the first Saturday every month. The afternoon features one or two booked guests with 20 minute sets sandwiched between lovely layers of open mic performers. PerformingContinue Reading

National and international guests at Tuesday Tunes

Midweek Melodies is Liverpool Acoustic’s weekly open mic. It takes place every Wednesday in the front bar at 81 Renshaw and features one or two booked guests between lots of lovely three song open mic slots. With regular host Derek King, this is the friendliest open mic night in Liverpool.Continue Reading