Emilio Pinchi Trying Man EP

EP REVIEW Artist – Emilio Pinchi EP – Trying Man Release date – 4th November 2015 Reviewer – Graham Holland In the current climate when new music is more often than not digitally recorded and old recordings are digitally remixed before being re-released I’m reminded of John Peel’s famous quote on being told that CDs are better thanContinue Reading

songwriters at the lantern #1 - paul straws

Mellowtone and Liverpool Acoustic are teaming up to present a series of evenings with Liverpool-based songwriters, in the intimate surrounds of the Lantern Theatre Liverpool, nestled in the heart of the Baltic Triangle. Songwriters at the Lantern is a new event that gives songwriters the opportunity to play songs old and new, talk about the inspirationContinue Reading

Congratulations to Mellowtone! They’ve been providing intimate soirées with a heartbeat of live acoustic music to the good citizens of Liverpool and the surrounding area for an admirable ten years. And what better way to celebrate than with a celebration! 10th Birthday Party Mellowtone’s Ten Years Birthday Party takes placeContinue Reading

Hats off to Mellowtone! This year they’ve already brought us Kathryn Williams, King Creosote, James Yorkston and Above the Beaten Track. But they’re not resting on their laurels, not at all. As they approach their 10th anniversary celebrations in November they’ve got another high-profile gig for us to get our musical teeth into.Continue Reading