FRIDAY 23RD AUGUST 2013 LIVERPOOL ACOUSTIC LIVE Liverpool Acoustic welcome folk rockers Galley Beggar back to Mathew Street’s View Two Gallery on Friday 23rd August 2013 following their storming set for us last year. Since then the band have been delighting festival audiences across the country, and have been showcasing music from their original album Reformation House alongside their newContinue Reading

FRIDAY 26TH JULY 2013 LIVERPOOL ACOUSTIC LIVE Liverpool Acoustic welcome Wirral-based singer-songwriter CarolineEngland to Mathew Street’s View Two Gallery on Friday 26th July 2013 to launch her new single ‘On Reserve’. Caroline is well known and respected on the Merseyside music scene for her beautiful voice and equally beautiful songs. Caroline will be joined on the night by Surrey musician Zoe West, localContinue Reading

FRIDAY 28TH JUNE 2013 LIVERPOOL ACOUSTIC LIVE Liverpool Acoustic are proud to welcome back Canterbury-based folk and roots singer Luke Jackson to Mathew Street’s View Two Gallery. Luke Jackson played at our first ever Liverpool Acoustic Live event as a 14 year old in February 2009 and has since developed as an amazingly talented songwriter andContinue Reading

Liverpool Acoustic Spotlight

Liverpool Acoustic Spotlight 89 To play click here Spotlight 89 or right click the link to download for free

If you are an acoustic musician from the Greater Merseyside area, or from further afield but play on the Liverpool scene, then feel free to send us your music for future shows. WeContinue Reading

FRIDAY 22ND MARCH 2013 LIVERPOOL ACOUSTIC LIVE YOUTH SPECIAL The award-winning Liverpool Acoustic Live is well-known for introducing our audiences to young, up-and-coming musicians at our open mic events and regular, monthly showcases. In fact, we’ve discovered so many talented youngsters recently that we’ve decided to put four of themContinue Reading

SATURDAY 9TH MARCH 2013 LIVERPOOL ACOUSTIC AFTERNOON @ THRESHOLD FESTIVAL Liverpool Acoustic Afternoon returns to Threshold for the third year, and we’re pleased to be back at Elevator Bar on Parliament Street after last year’s successful event. We’ll be running from 2pm to 7pm on Saturday 9th March, and there’sContinue Reading