songwriting challenge

Eleven talented songwriters have won a coverted spot at the Liverpool Acoustic Songwriting Challenge 2021 Showcase Final taking place at LEAF on Bold Street on Saturday 22nd January 2022. During the September entry period songwriters were invited to submit brand new songs inspired by works of art on public display across the Liverpool City Region.Continue Reading

The Liverpool Acoustic Songwriting Challenge 2020 Showcase Final is being broadcast live on Liverpool Acoustic’s YouTube channel on Saturday 16th January 2021 starting at 7.30pm. In previous years the Showcase Final has been held at LEAF on Bold Street with the money raised being split between Marie Curie Cancer Care and Garston Animal Rescue, in memory of Liverpool Acoustic teamContinue Reading

abbey road silhouette

Come together to celebrate 50 years of The Beatles’ Abbey Road at Leaf on 26th September In 2016 a group of local, national and international musicians fronted by Roxanne de Bastion and Thom Morecroft gathered together at Leaf on Bold Street to recreate the groundbreaking Beatles album Revolver, 50 yearsContinue Reading

songwriting challenge

Get ready for the Liverpool Acoustic Songwriting Challenge 2018 Showcase Final this Saturday The Liverpool Acoustic Songwriting Challenge 2018 Showcase Final takes place this coming Saturday 12th January 2019 at LEAF on Bold St. Each of the ten finalists will perform their song with an image of the work of art that inspired it projected ontoContinue Reading

songwriting challenge

Finalists announced for Liverpool Acoustic Songwriting Challenge 2018 Ten talented local songwriters have won a place at the Liverpool Acoustic Songwriting Challenge 2018 Showcase Final taking place on Saturday 12th January 2019 at LEAF on Bold St. Songwriters submitted brand new songs inspired by works of art on display across the Liverpool City Region duringContinue Reading

white album Facebook event cover

Celebrate 50 years of The Beatles’ White Album at Leaf on 22nd November In 2016 a group of local, national and international musicians fronted by Roxanne de Bastion and Thom Morecroft gathered together at Leaf on Bold Street to recreate the groundbreaking Beatles album Revolver, 50 years to the day since its release. InContinue Reading