Here at Liverpool Acoustic we aim to provide the best resource for acoustic music for the city of Liverpool and the surrounding area. We’ve got our online diary, and the news and reviews page (hey, that’s what you’re reading now!). On the Spotlight page we highlight a single artist, group,Continue Reading

Oxjam is back in town, and this time it’s bigger and better than ever. Taking place at the 3345 Parr Street venue, the event is being run by Guy Taunton and hosted by Kaya with all proceeds from the night going to the work of Oxfam. The musicContinue Reading

STOP PRESS — STOP PRESS — STOP PRESS — STOP PRESS We just got the following message from the event organisers: ————————–—– Unfortunately we have to pull this event because the Magnet have double booked us. We apologise to all concern and will try to reschedule for later in theContinue Reading

This year’s International Pop Overthrow is in full swing and there are a number of acoustic artists playing at the festival this year, from 20th to 26th May. As well as local performers such as Tony Kehoe, The Great Northwestern Hoboes, Sam Kearney, and The Alun Parry Band, there areContinue Reading