EP review: Motel Sundown – El Dorado

Cover for Motel Sundown's EP El Dorado - decorative

Artist – Motel Sundown

EP – El Dorado

Released – 28th June 2024

Reviewer – John Jenkins, Liverpool Acoustic

Unless you’ve been buried underneath a rock or taken no interest in the local Merseyside music scene then the band Motel Sundown should be on your radar and their success over the last few years has not gone unnoticed. Here is a band that grows and grows with maturity, with new great outstanding songs, and is beginning to get recognition across the country in the Americana and country circles.

El Dorado is their latest release, a five-track EP which demonstrates the strength of this band whether it be in the songwriting, arranging, vocal or musicianship. Each track has been released over several months and each track demonstrates the diversity of this band but above all the collective talents of each individual either through their lead vocals, beautiful harmonies, and songs. Individually they are excellent but collectively they are superb.

It isn’t easy to pick a favourite song from these five songs as each has its merits. Robert Johnson takes the lead on El Dorado and the girls Karen Chesters and Naomi Campell join in with gorgeous harmonies that remind this listener of the best work of The Wandering Hearts. I have already sung the praises of the song Midnight Blue on this website; my opinion remains the same and only equalled by the release of the four other tracks that make this EP something exceptional.

There’s a very tight ‘full band’ sound to these songs which gives Motel Sundown a bit more edge than the acoustic trio performances I have seen so many times. This compliments the overall sound immensely.

Motel Sundown have recently played Black Deer Festival, the Green Note in London, and the BCMA. With songs of this quality, it is quite easy to see why they are becoming so popular.

Thoroughly recommended EP, which is absolutely superb. My only complaint is that it only has five songs on it, and I wish it had more, but I will be around for the next release.

John Jenkins

Review © 2024 John Jenkins, Liverpool Acoustic

El Dorado is available to buy and stream using the links at ffm.to/motelsundowneldoradoep

Motel Sundown