Artist – Motel Sundown
Album – If You Were Listening
Released – 15th July 2022
Reviewer – Helen Maw, Liverpool Acoustic
Rating – 10/10

Some things are meant to be. They come together organically, even by chance. One such occurrence is Motel Sundown.
Meeting on the Liverpool gigging circuit back in 2016, the unique and perfect blend of their voices led to them deciding to write songs together and in 2018, Motel Sundown was born. Featuring the songwriters Naomi Campbell, Karen Turley and Rob Johnson, the band are a perfect blend of Country, Americana and folk-rock through their songs, although individually, they have a wide variety of musical influences. There is no front person in the band, each member equally brings their own talent and skills to the collective to create something truly magical.
Since 2018 and their first release Chicago, Motel Sundown have gone from strength to strength, gigging regularly both as soloists and a band across Liverpool and they have also received support from British Country Music Association, and radio stations Radio Wirral, BBC Merseyside, BBC Radio Ulster and Express FM.
In 2022 they released their debut album If You Were Listening. The album features many stand out tracks, showcasing the three-way songwriting talents of the group with silky smooth harmonies and profound, thought provoking lyrics. As well as this, If You Were Listening features renowned guitarist Gerry Hogan and was released on July 15th under Sunday Market Records.
Brake Lights is a strong opening track, with swelling pedal steel guitar adding a wash of nostalgia over the track. The lead vocals drift almost effortlessly over the song, soft and delicate yet with so much tone and warmth. The steel guitar which permeates throughout the track is replaced by a softer piano outro, which sets the tone for the rest of the album.
Shopping features lead vocals from Rob Johnson. There is a beautiful break in his voice throughout the song, the emotion shining through. Accompanied perfectly by Naomi and Karen through their delectable and soulful harmonies, the song builds throughout, with a clear influence of soft-rock and a soulful chorus which cries out. Towards the end of the track, there is almost a cathartic release of sound, the lead guitar solo piercing through the wall of sound created by the drums and guitars. The track ends on almost a cliffhanger, the last note fading away to nothing, a fitting ending for such a powerful track.
The title track If You Were Listening has a beautifully vulnerable acoustic quality to it. With echoes of Eva Cassidy through the vocals, it tells the story of missing loved ones. The consistent finger picking on the acoustic guitar keeps the song moving and this is framed by tight three part harmonies which add much depth to the track. The hazy, summer infused track humanises the shared experiences felt by so many during the Covid lockdowns, there is so much hope in the song but also a tinge of sadness, a shared loneliness spoken by the band. It is a beautiful song to come from such a hard and trying time felt by us all.
The album is a true celebration of each member of the band, their influences, talents and styles shine through into the record. There are clear echoes of Bob Dylan, Emmylou Harris and even Fleetwood Mac with dreamy harmonies, impressive guitar riffs and stunning lyrics. If You Were Listening is a stunning debut album from Motel Sundown. Time and genre spanning, Motel Sundown are solidifying their own sound in the lively and often busy music scene in Liverpool. If You Were Listening is a triumphant album and paves the way for a fresh take on Country music in the city.
Helen Maw
© 2022 Helen Maw, Liverpool Acoustic
If You Were Listening was released on Friday 15th July and is available to buy on vinyl and as a digital download from Bandcamp and other sources.