Liverpool Acoustic presents three songwriters who share a rare musical synergy and come together for the first time to showcase their magical songs and stories. Elfin Bow, Little Sparrow and Daria Kulesh, all three skilled songwriters and captivating performers, will take to the stage at the Music Room on Saturday 26th February 2022 in the style of a songwriters’ circle.
Described by Shindig Magazine as, ‘lyrically astute and melodically inventive,’ Elfin Bow’s pastoral pysch-folk music is deeply rooted in the life and nature that surrounds her. Her stories and songs, played on piano, guitar, mandolin and banjo, weave a tapestry that combine mysterious characters, myths and legends, with the heartache and adventure of real life. elfinbow.com
As captivating to watch as she is to listen to, Manchester singer-songwriter, Little Sparrow’s beautifully emotive use of expression mirrors the sincerity of her delivery. Her delicately crafted songs draw on influences as diverse as Kate Bush, All About Eve and PJ Harvey, woven into the colourful tapestry of her music, often with a mysterious fairytale-like quality. uklittlesparrow.com
Daria Kulesh has been described by Danny Farragher (Folk All) as ‘the voice of fairy tales, being able to create the enthrallment of the faerie realm and equally bring terror as the evil queen whose very words could chill your blood and capture your soul’. A folk award nominee, her Russian and Ingush roots are reflected in her music, intertwined with multicultural influences she has experienced on her turbulent and exciting journey through life. daria-kulesh.co.uk
Tickets are £12 and £15 available from the Liverpool Phil box office. Doors open at 7pm and the show starts at 8pm.
UPDATE 13/02/22 – The Liverpool Acoustic Spotlight #171 features two tracks from each of the artists playing at this show. Why not take a listen?
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