Artist – Guy Called Greg
Album – Simple Life
Reviewer – Alison Benson, Liverpool Acoustic
Guy Called Greg’s debut album Simple Times, described as ‘a collection of songs about life, love, and loss’ was recorded at Parr Street Studios. Playing both guitar and piano, Guy Called Greg has created an album of touching songs.
Well arranged and performed, each song is written from a place of love. From the tender and protective Let Me Worry About You and Morning Sun to the light and cheerful Seeds Upon the Wind Guy Called Greg expresses so many of the ways that humans feel for each other, with a sweetness in lyrics such as ‘you make my wishes come true, even when you don’t mean to’.
The songs are realistic, yet hopeful with Feel the Same expressing the uncertainty of not knowing if you’re yet loved in return and Under Covers seeming to be a song for the exhausted, of retreating from the world and its difficulties.
What the Future Holds, starting simply with just guitar and vocals, a song of hope looking into an unknown future, the only certainty the person who it will be spent with. Nice echoes in the chorus. You Pull Me In, while different in musical tone with a picking pattern that wouldn’t be out of place in an Americana album, the song speaks of the hope found in another and the courage that is gained through facing fear together.
Simple Life, the title track, a philosophical look on nostalgia, of pining for a time now gone. Skilfully played on guitar, the accompaniment following the pattern of the vocal really pleasantly and supporting the title of simplicity in its sound.
A pleasant collection of songs, heart warming and down to earth Simple Times is well worth a listen.
‘Change’ is available on CD and Spotify. Well worth a listen!
Alison Benson
Review © 2019 Alison Benson, Liverpool Acoustic
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Simple Life is available to buy on Bandcamp, Amazon, and iTunes
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Guy Called Greg
Website – guycalledgreg.com
Facebook – facebook.com/guycalledgreg
Twitter – @guycalledgreguk
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