Welcome to NEWS BLAST 24, not to be confused with BBC News 24. There’s no CGI studio, no overpaid presenters, and no fancy theme tune, just great news items to help musicians and supporters alike.
- WALL TO WALL FOLK – Nick Wall is compiling a list of the 25 most loved folk song recordings and is looking for your help. You can nominate any folk song (the definition of folk is entirely up to you) so long as you haven’t performed on it yourself(!).
UPDATE – The list is now complete and can be seen here.
- INFO-TASTIC – You may not have come across the term ‘infographic’ – information displayed using text and graphics. Well here’s a handy infographic with 14 Ways To Boost Visibility And Inspire Sharing On Facebook. Check it out here.
- HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE THE PEOPLE THAT MATTER – Those music bods over at Sentric have compiled a list of things that bands and musicians do which really, really annoy them. How many of these is your band guilty of? If it’s none then feel free to adopt ‘smug smile mode’! Read it here.
- IT’S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW, IT’S NOT WHO YOU KNOW EITHER – it’s how you treat who you know. There’s a lot to be said for being nice to people, and you never know when that well conceived good turn might turn into a good turn for you in return… er.. or something like that. What we’re saying is get connected and surround yourself by success. Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby, explains all here.
- GOLDEN RULES RULE, OK? – Jack Cooper, lead singer from London band Mazes, sets out his 10 golden rules on being in a DIY indie band. Agree? Disagree? You decide. Read it here.
- FIDDLE WITH THE GYPSIES – Terry Gray’s new Americana folk rock band The Sea Gypsies is looking for a violinist to join them. If you fancy it, then send them a message through their facebook page here. Maybe it’s a perfect opportunity for Italian violinist Valeria who’s looking for a guitar player to make an acoustic duo “or something like that”. Gumtree ad here.
- IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY, HONEY – There’s been quite a discussion recently on the Liverpool Bands facebook page about how easy or hard it is for musicians playing original music to make money. Tom Robinson has compiled a really useful list of funding sources that are well worth checking out. You can find it here.
- UNDER THE COVERS – Here’s a neat idea that deserves a look. Coverpool sees two musicians covering songs by the other in a style of their choosing. It’s the brainchild of Thomas McConnell and Sean Keogh (The D-Tales) and can be found on soundcloud here.
- OXJAM APPLICATIONS – If you’re a band or musician and you’d like to take part in Oxjam Liverpool Takeover 2013 this coming October then all the details you need can be found at the facebook group here.
- HOST WITH THE MOST – Matt is a musician who’s looking for an open mic night to host. He has his own equipment (mics, stands, desk, cables, & PA) and just needs a supportive venue. If you can help, drop him a line via the gumtree ad here.
- EUROPE OR BUSK – Are you a violinist or cellist and would like to spend three months busking round 30 cities across Europe? The Dead Sea Captain is looking for musicians ‘with a folky heart’ to join his adventure. Get in touch through the website here.
- WELSH ROCK – Isaac Birchall is looking for an acoustic guitarist to join his band, along with a bass player, keyboard player, and drummer. He wants to play live in support of The Sleep Sessions, recorded last February. Take a listen on SoundCloud, and if you fancy it, and can practice in Ruthin once a week, then get in touch here.

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