Liverpool Acoustic live help required

The third anniversary of Liverpool Acoustic’s live events is coming up in a couple of weeks time, and we’d like to thank everyone who’s contributed to its success since our first one in February 2009.

e really couldn’t run our events without the lovely people who look after the door for us at the View Two Gallery, greeting people as they arrive, checking tickets, and pointing first timers towards the bar on the third floor! 

Unfortunately our team of three helpers is now down to just one following Nick’s change of job and the sad loss of
Sharon Jones last year. This means we’re now looking for people to join Roger either on a rota basis, or the occasional one-off event. The more volunteers we get, the fewer times each person will need to do it.

The person (or people) on the door for each gig gets:- 

  • £10 for two hours 7.50pm to 9.50pm
  • A free drink from the bar
  • Entry to the rest of the gig that night
  • Free entry to all future Liverpool Acoustic events for regular helpers 
  • A warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing that you’re helping to support live music in Liverpool
If you’d like to help out, or you know someone else who might be interested, then email Graham Holland on