According to today’s radio report, this coming weekend will see Liverpool John Lennon Airport’s busiest of the year as thousands of people flee Liverpool, Merseyside and the Northwest for sunnier climes and warmer weather. Those people left behind have the Mathew Street Festival to look forward to. And if you’reContinue Reading

Here at Liverpool Acoustic there’s nothing we like more than to announce a brand new acoustic event. So let’s hear it for [cue melodramatic drum roll….] The Culture Cafe Liverpool! When? Sunday, 17 August, 2pm to 5pm Where?Starbucks Coffee Company, Cotton Exchange, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9LQ (map) What?Continue Reading

Mellowtone presents Above The Beaten Track: an audio and visual extravaganza at the View Two Gallery, Mathew Street. It takes place over the weekend of 16th and 17th August, starting at 2pm each day and running ’till late. The weekend sees the gallery packed full of art, audiovisual displays, music,Continue Reading

If your image of a folk festival is morris dancers, old hippies, tie-dye t-shirts, bearded men, and singers with one finger stuck in their ear then you obviously haven’t experienced the Black Swan Folk Festival before! The Black Swan Folk Festival is an intimate gathering of kindred spirits in theContinue Reading