
Want to write for Liverpool Acoustic?
Do you love music? Fancy yourself as a writer? If so and you’d like to join our team of reviewers get in touch below.
We’re on the lookout for people to write reviews of live music and music releases, plus interviews and other features that support the local acoustic music scene.
Meet our team

Graham Holland
Owner, Liverpool Acoustic
Graham edits the website and runs Liverpool Acoustic's multi award-winning live music events.
Graham's author page

Stuart Todd
Stuart Todd has helped run and host the award-winning Liverpool Acoustic Live music events with Graham Holland. Stuart is recording and performing under the name of Shadow Captain.
Stuart's author page

Ian D Hall
"From Birmingham, raised in Bicester, refined on the road and moulded by Liverpool". Ian is a published author of poetry and fiction, and reviews music, TV and theatre on his website Liverpool Sound and Vision.
Ian's author page