Hope not Hate – vote against the BNP

Today – Thursday 4th June 2009 – is a very important day, and here at Liverpool Acoustic we’re playing our part.

We’ve joined forces with the Hope not Hate campaign to urge you all to get out and vote in the European elections.

It could be that you weren’t going to bother. Why should you, when it seems that all our politicians are crooked, and the world is in economic turmoil? And what’s the point when the same old parties are going to win anyway?

Well it just so happens that there is a point to voting – because due to that wonderful system called proportional representation (Westminster should try it some time!) every single vote in the North West will be counted and totalled up. The seats in the European parliament will then be allocated based on the percentage of the vote that each party received.

This means that the only wasted votes are those that aren’t used. It also means that the more people who stay at home and don’t vote, the greater the chance the small parties such as the hateful, racist and bigoted BNP have of gaining a seat.

So, whatever you might think of the European Union we call on you to support the Hope not Help campaign by voting against the BNP.

[That was a party election broadcast on behalf of the Liverpool Acoustic Party / Hope not Hate alliance]