Sell your music with Electro Puppy

Now here’s a clever idea! Are you a musician, either solo or in a band? Have you wanted to sell your music at gigs but not wanted the hassle of carrying round a box of CDs? If so our friends over at Mad Bouncy Dogs have solved the problem with the birth of Electro Puppy. allows you to sell anything online that can be downloaded, from single mp3s to complete albums, plus magazines, e-books, software, photos, videos, and audio books. You set it up on the website by filling in the details and uploading the files, and Electro Puppy mails you a set of business card size cards, each with a unique code on. You can then sell the cards for whatever price you want. The buyer enters the code and downloads the files. And everyone’s happy!

If you’re interested then check them out. Liverpool Acoustic has no vested financial interest in Electro Puppy – we just thought it was a great idea and a useful resource that some of you might find useful!